Saturday, July 15, 2006


Hmmm im angered.

Well i was just reading thru blogs and decided to do a check on XiaXue's Site. Fucking cb ass motafucking bitch ass fucking assholic bitched mofo assed anal mouthed dad cocksucking nipple overturned bitch XiaXue is. - about this.

Now she supposedly goes to Thomson prata shop, yes the one with that irritating uncle who smiles at everything, well she goes there to supposedly buy prata.

Now so you want prata, you get prata. BUT like all supposedly famous wanna bes she wants a freshly coocked prata. ohhhhhh. Well its ok i guess. So she tells the uncle and he smiles. Now if you realise Thomson has a lot of Indians at the prata shop before i go on.

Now supposedly the prata's made were served to Indians instead to her. AND THATS PISSING OFF! FUcking cb bitch. Think about it, the reason ur served premade pratas is because when u ask for take away, your going to end up going home to eat it, so giving u a fresh one or premade one isnt going to make a diff bitch. But she emphasised on the part where and Indian racist uncle served pratas to Indian customers twice while she was waiting.

Now wtf, now shes star and cant wait or that she feels akward that maybe she's being discriminated. Motafucking ass. I live in a country dominated by your people and calling us Indian's racist i think is by far tooooooo much. Well yes maybe we do help each other out, but its thanks to people like you that even end up helping each other out.

Now supposedly the uncle kept smiling. Now maybe if you thought about it, HE DIDNT UNDERSTAND A SHIT YOU SAID!!!

Did he say ok wait wait i make u new one, he just fucking smiled. If i dont get shit i smile or stare. One of the above means i dont fucking get you. Stupid pea brain.

Now even then i really do hope the uncle did show you discrimination and served the Indian people first. Now i really really really want to say this FUCK YOU! and seriously i really do hope i meet you on the street. I really really wanna point my fucking fingers to ur sorry assed act cute motafucking face.

Hope she dies.

Now i was reading, this Singaporean complained about the noise on the roads. Hmmmm, noise - road.

Donkey maybe its noisy cause its the fucking road. And he went on to complain about maybe the government should enforce noise regulators. Just like speed traps, noise traps. WTF is this guy thinking. We are like so fucking protected. Dont like something, just complain , whine about it and get it fixed. I seriously doubt the noise posed a life , death situation to him. Maybe if the noise really hurt you so much, why get a flat near the road. Stupid mota fucker. COmplain complain complain.

Seriously instead of wanting changes, why not learn to adapt people. ADAPTING is good sometimes and is necessary.



self indulgence?



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